
This is for us

email: bekah@awelltraveledwoman.com


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86 thoughts on “About

  1. I have been following you on tumblr for months now and I only just found out about this blog, which is great, since now I can comment (i don’t have a tumblr account) and let you know how much I love your philosophy on life, your aesthetic, you artistic taste, everything! I live with my husband in a tiny apartment on the 3rd floor and we long for a piece of earth to grow veggies and raise some chickens… Your blog feels a bit like home.

  2. Just want to say that I’ve been following along for a while now, tumblr and instagram, and wanted to tell you that I think you’re pretty great. I always feel like kind of a weirdo commenting on people’s lives when I’ve never met them, but you have been a great inspiration to me. I so admire your courage, strength, but most of all your honesty. You show people an amazing journey, the good and the bad, and I think that is so important. Much love to you from this Oregon girl! 🙂

  3. I am so happy you have expanded your web presence. You have so many great things to share. Let us know how we can help spread the word!

  4. My husband and I both follow your blog and love it, very inspiring. I just discovered this one. We are newly married and live in Port au Prince, Haiti. I work with an artisan group here designing and teaching sewing and jewelry making. My husband runs a bakery with Haitian men. If you are ever interested, you should check out our group and spend a little time in Haiti. It is a wonderful place. We have a little measly blog about some of our adventures here- http://www.joshandchandler.tumblr.com Thank you for the constant inspiration. Sorry to be a creepy internet follower! haha

  5. Dear Bekah,
    Just really wanted to say that your tumblr has been a touchstone for me this last year. I feel like I’ve turned everything on its head in these last 18 months, and things are still changing so fast. But good; it’s all about making something different and truer than we’ve been handed. I see that in your life story and admire your honesty and bravery. When I get tired or lonely and feel like dropping back into any old job/life your impeccable choices of images always brings my internal compass back to point true north.
    Sending all manner of good wishes and thoughts your way from the beaches and hills of Devon (UK).

  6. To a Muse,

    I have followed your Tumblr For several months now, and have just discovered this extended version. You hear this often I’m sure, and you should: You are an amazing woman. Your photos, and posts are so inspiring to me. I have done some traveling myself, and can understand the changes it has made in life. Traveling has truly shuffled my deck time and again creating new perspectives on the world and the simple treasures and beauties that surround us. When I feel stuck or stressed out, your pictures and posts and simple words of wisdom have been an instant uplift and I thank you for that..

    So, thank you for sharing your journey and adventures with us.

    Lot’s of laughter and love to you and your boys,

    Stacie Eley

  7. Bekah, I’ve been following your Tumblr for some time now. I’m so happy to see that you’ve furthered your journey by sharing this blog with your readers as well. You are an inspiration and i’ve enjoyed following you.
    I’d love to hear about your trip in India. I spent a little time there myself and I’m enamored with the country and its culture. I always love to hear about others experiences there too.
    Take care on your trip to Africa.

    1. Thank you! India was one of my first trips and the most life changing experience for me but I was young over 10 years ago now… I hope someday to take my boys back there. It’s a rewarding place to visit no doubt!


  8. Would love to talk to you about an upcoming project… I will keep my eyes out for an email address. Thanks for the response.

  9. Hey Bekah!
    I don’t how I stumbled across your blog, but I’m so glad I did. You have been such a great inspiration. Thanks to you, I’m driving from Texas to Canada for Christmas as the beginning point of my future travels! I hope to be as well traveled as you some day! Thanks for being you.

  10. Hello Bekah, I really enjoy reading your blog, plus you take beautiful photos…. are your photos available for stock. Please let me know…

  11. I just discovered your wonderful blog and I must say it’s truly inspiring. I’m reading a lot of blogs, about everything, but this one is the only one on my bookmarks bar…

    Have a blessed day,

  12. ok, this may seem superficial, in light of all the truly meaningful work you are doing on this trip, but, i’ve got to ask: how do you pack? so simply stylish, multi-purpose, functional, all-terrain, all-weather, culturally appropriate, timeless, stylish clothes plus the bare minimum sundries. all in a backpack. how do you do it? a real break down of your packing process -strategies, priorities and necessities would make for a great blog post! inquiring minds need to know these tips from the well travelled woman…ps: congratulations on participating in this life improving project!

  13. To add to the cheerleading squad… your blog is a burst of color and inspiration. As a budding entrepreneur building a wellness coaching business all on my own, I forgot what my heart needs… art + color + community. Your work is a solid reminder of that. Nourished input means nourished output. It’s the same idea I teach clients, but one I forgot myself. Thank you for inspiring this crazy busy women to stop, and enjoy the softness of life.

  14. I fell in love with this house that a friend of mine pinned from your blog. I was wondering if you have any idea of where this house is…


  15. I’m not a cheerleader. People do what they’ve got to do.
    I’m a 70 year old Nana, also a well traveled woman. Most recently my travels abroad have taken me on trips to Haiti. Before that India, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Finland,West Africa, France and more.
    I enjoy following along on your journeys and your perspectives.
    There is also good work to be done at home, which in my case is in Canada.
    Keep it up!

  16. You are so inspiring. I feel that I can relate to you in a lot of ways, though I am only 19.5. I moved several times during high school (because my step-dad felt like it), and I feel your pain of loneliness. I feel your pain of not being understood by the world, and not understanding the materialistic ways of this world. I read your post about your birthday and I felt like I wrote it. I dred the day of my birthday because growing up (aka the past 6 years)…I never did anything for my birthday. It would always be my mom making me a cake or something, which was a blessing, but nothing could be the same as a real birthday. I never had a group of friends to throw me a party, I never had a few friends who actually cared about my birthday and would get my a present or ask what I am doing for my birthday. Never. I always find myself clinging to people and trying to be a good friend, because I have never had one, but people always end up leaving. My birthday just reminds me of my loneliness and I hate it. I tried filling my void inside with a young man, but of course, it shattered me to the ground. We all learn from our mistakes and struggles and grow, though. God can only fill our void.

  17. I absolutely admire you and gosh you are a gorgeous mother!! Not even saying your family is stunning will quite say it.

  18. I’m sure you get this a lot; but I have been following your blog for quite some time now, and it is stunning. Not just the essence of your photos, but the philosophies that you carry. I am only 19, but I connect with so much of what you present to your audience. I appreciate that that you allude spirit and love and understanding through your posts. That mindset you obtain inspires me; whenever I receive the opportunity to travel, I now always remember to take everything in. Beyond that, throughout the small joys of an ordinary day, I am always reminded to breath in the moment and appreciate it for what it is.

  19. Wow! I randomly stubmled upon your tumblr site and spent about an hour looking through pictures and found myself getting sucked in! I then found your website and loved reading about your journey. You carry so much courage! I also love the photography you find. I am curious to know do you take all the pictures on your blog? Love you style and thanks for sharing your heart with others!

  20. Your blog and tumblr are so inspiring, and make me see more beauty in my own reality. It also inspired me to do one of my favorite food shoots so far, sold to ELLE food&Wine Sweden and it will be published in November. I would love to share if there is a email for me to send the contact sheet to. Let me know. Thank you!

  21. Hi Bekah! I’m sure you get this a lot but I wanted to tell you from my own gratitude that your experiences and blogs are very inspiring. I genuinely enjoy reading all that you write (and am impressed at your tanning skills) which says a lot as I don’t generally keep up with blogs. i pray many more travels come your way with your boys. My husband did the around the world ywam the year after you, and i hear its a milestone. He’s been traveling ever since and we actually live in Israel now but hope to be back stateside in a few months, i.e. when Papa God releases us. Hope all is well with you and it gets even better. And I pray you receive a good harvest!

    -nikki weeks

  22. I love your twitter.. and this blog! Seriously.. I am from Chile, South America. And the way you live your life.. is just amazing! It motivates me to know that everyone has the changed to do with their lifes and mold them the way they think its the best!
    Love, María.
    Do you have facebook?

  23. i like your tumblr very much for some time now, and now got here. it’s such a wonderful place to visit. and now i’m quite surprised to find that there’s my country on your travel map of places you’ve been to — Poland:) it’s not very common place for travelers i thought.. i really hope you liked it. all the best and thanks for the beautiful pictures!

  24. I only joined blog lovin today . What a treat to have stumbled across your blog. Love the visuals . Your photography skill is amazing. May I ask the camera you use? Now back to more reading – because I cannot stop 🙂

  25. Hello!
    I am absolutely in love with your blog. it´s refreshing to see an honest and real life person, sharing her ups and downs, just learning and living, daily life stuff. I admire your work ethic, and how you take matters in your own hands, i´ve always dreamed of having a sustainable life, you make it look so easy and beautiful. I honestly don´t know how I got to your blog, but i´m truly happy I did. You have a beautiful family.
    So keep up the good work, life is what we make of it! 😉
    Bon Courage!

  26. Hi Bekah
    I’ve started following your tumblr a while ago and just now I had to smile, as you’ve posted a pic of a house my hubby did – the 15th century old townhouse in Zug, Switzerland. He works as an Interior Architect and Designer and I did run this house for a couple of years (renting it out, events, art) Now it’s private again.
    Well, I know there are a lot of pics around the world of this house, but this post just made me happy as I’m following you for inspiration 🙂
    Thumbs up for what you do.

      1. Yes, it really is a small world.
        Well, if ever near here – you know…for a glass of wine up the mountains…you should have my e-mail.

  27. Hello B!!! My name is Fon-Tisha….What a refresher corse on livin life to fullest!! mental edification is found here. thanks for the inspiration..

  28. Scrolling through your blog, is like scrolling through my own imagination. It’s beautiful. I love your writings. Keep going!

  29. Hi Bekah,
    I’ve followed your blog for over a year now, and although I don’t know you personally – your blog has been a great source of inspiration to me as a young adventurer and college student. Life can feel pretty heavy, but I think it’s very important to find joy in the small things. It’s seems as though we find joy in many of the same!

  30. Hello Bekah

    Like almost everyone else who has left a comment here, I’ve been following your blog, Tumblr and Instagram for quite a while and lately I have felt overwhelmed with inspiration from the way you intentionally live your life. You are a breath of fresh air to say the least. Your traveling soul and deliberate effort to help others is inspiration and generosity I wish to embody myself someday. Your creativity and passion pushes me to keep moving forward.

    Thank you

  31. Hey Bekah, I loved your picture on bloglovin (snow covered rock reflection) I am so glad I finally found somebody from bloglovin on wordpress. Anyway. a great picture. I was wondering where you took it. Greetings

      1. Also, I know you edit the negative comments out, so I don’t expect you to post that last one – if you want to be authentic, don’t only allow positive feedback to make it onto your wall.

      2. You’re correct Grace (aka ants in pants 53). Hate breeds hate and I have no reason to pass that on to the kind people who come here.


        p.s. Google “duck boots”.

  32. When people ask me “Where do you want to be in x years” I say “You know that one blog-“. You’re a real inspiration, and I hope ‘x’ years isn’t going to be too far away. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  33. Hey, I’m very curious as to what you do? What organization do you work for or do you run? And how does one begin? I am very interested in the work you do in different areas such as caring for people from different places it seriously touches my heart and just inspires me to one day follow through and just love people and places!

  34. Beautiful pictures, beautiful family. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your life. Grateful for the inspiration:) x

  35. Hi Bekah, I found your blog through House Tweaking. It’s been a while since I have found a blog that brings such comfort and contentment when reading it. Love, love, love all your pictures and can’t wait to read future posts! Jenna x

  36. Hi Bekah! I found your blog through your work with Chandler. Your images and words are so full of beauty and life – so inspiring. I’m from Australia living in Haiti with my husband (our newish blog is http://www.theseliscarstory.com). If you ever come down to Australia or Haiti (again), would LOVE to meet you. Much love to you x

  37. Woow ! Well done for your blog Bekah, it is absolutely stunning ! The pictures are really incredibly beautiful, the texts are catchy… a REAL pleasure to read it !
    One more time : well done.
    I will keep an eye on it, Leen Nilsson.

  38. My husband just left me after 3 years together and in all of the confusion, self-loathing and regret I have found such comfort and hope in your life and your wisdom. Please keep posting for this girl in Montana trying to keep it together. Know you change some lives just by living.

    1. This blessed me so much. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. My heart hurts for your pain, loss and suffering. There are no words that fully suffice as sympathy but it will get better… often like a tide it comes and goes but eventually it will be healed and washed clean. Much love to you.

  39. I luv these flip flops. I have had the same problem with my puppy getting ahold of one of my pairs of flip flops and really messed up the straps. I would lyv to try this on my pair to see how it comes out. I just need to know what supplies are needed and directions on how they should be done properly. I’d hate to lose these flip flops because they are so comfortable. Only problem is the bite marks and teeth scrapes on the straps. If u could find it in your heart to help me through this, I’d greatly be in your debt. Thank u in advance. Text anytime. Night or day at your convenience. Yours turned out beautifully. I just hope mine can be the same. These were not the cheapest flip flops that ive ever bought. She couldn’t have gotten ahold of my dollar store ones. Figures!!! 😬😧😄😄😄☺

  40. YOU ARE WHAT I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR FOREVER! WOW WOW WOW, I’m SO glad I came by your tumblr! Perfect pictures, music… everything! ARE YOU, ME!? Because your taste, is exactly my taste! 😀

  41. Hello Bekah,iwould like to know from which country you write,i am Paloma from Spain and i like your blog,i have one girl and one boy and i live in the countryside too,cheers!!

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