This + that (oddities)


The odd (possibly risque) things I find beauty in. A slightly different perspective that I don’t often share. I’m continually fascinated by the way I process and view my everyday. The camera is such a gift.

The last few weeks have been somewhat of an awakening (changing season). Reminders of how important intentional living is. In everything everyday, with purpose. Wholeness vs Happiness. Simplicity + the basics – love/compassion.

True self and giving from that.

11 thoughts on “This + that (oddities)

  1. Beautiful peeks into your life and yes to living intentionally. It’s so easy to forget in the rush of everyday life. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I too love photographs with an unconventional point of view. Your photos always bring that, and I am always excited to see your posts.

    1. Boarding just takes good balance and trying. I’ve been a snowboarder 14 years so it’s second nature. I’m not very good on a skate board but I love to cruise on a longboard. I’d suggest a longboard first and don’t skimp on your trucks and wheels, that makes a big difference.

      Good luck!

  3. I just found your blog, and I am so excited to start following you. You have a beautiful eye and your blog is absolutely lovely.

  4. Been thinking of you and praying for you in Iceland!
    I’m just 20 and backpacking alone, hopefully getting a little more well traveled myself šŸ™‚
    Just wanted to let you know you have joy and good thoughts coming your way from all the way over the ocean!


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